Vision and Mission Statement

Vision Statement

Our vision is to develop critical thinking and character in every pupil empowering them to meet, with assured confidence, the challenges of life, now and in the future. We champion the qualities of kindness, empathy and positivity and strive to embed them in our school culture every single day.

Mission Statement

St. Mochta’s NS celebrates the uniqueness of each child as expressed in each child’s personality, intelligence and potential for development. We aim to nurture each pupil in all dimensions of their life – spiritual, moral, cognitive, emotional, imaginative, aesthetic, social and physical.

We strive to cherish and challenge our students in a safe, secure and attractive learning environment.

As a Christian community we aim to be a warm and welcoming place respectful and accommodating of diversity in race, culture, religion, gender and ability. We aim to promote equality and support pupils with special educational needs.

We are an integral part of the parish of Louth Village and in partnership with parents and the Church we aim to nurture the Catholic faith through religious education, preparation for the sacraments and through our school ethos.

We are a learning community promoting, modelling and valuing life long learning.

Parents are their children’s primary educators and we strive to empower and utilise parents to be actively involved in their child’s education and the life of our school.

We value our relationship with our local community and actively promote our pupils’ and their families’ involvement in their community.

We strive to provide a nurturing, positive, holistic learning experience for every pupil and commit our resources to challenging and empowering each other.

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